Manual Therapy
Our therapists use various hands-on techniques including massage, myofascial release, trigger point release to decrease soft-tissue tissue tightness, improve tissue pliability, and decrease inflammation and swelling. Joint mobilization is used to improve the mechanics of joint movement to improve range of motion and restore function. Manual strengthening and stretching techniques such as proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and contract/relax respectively to improve muscle activation and flexibility.

Therapeutic Exercise
We utilize strengthening exercises including body weight, free weight, and resistance band exercises to increase strength, control and coordination. Self-stretching activities to improve flexibility and decrease general tightness. Plyometric and dynamic stability training to prepare for return to sports and regular exercise.

Gait Training
Improving step-length and symmetry to improve sequencing and stride to return to a more normalized walking cycle. We use assistive devices such as walkers, canes, and crutches as needed to improve stability and decrease stress on injured limbs while aiming to reduce the need for these devices.

Balance Training
We use a variety of techniques and equipment to improve reaction times and motor control to improve balance reactions and stability in order to prevent falls.

Electrical Stimulation
Various electrical modalities are utilized to address pain and inflammation in order to help patients move with greater ease and feel better.

Utilized to improve inflammation and provide thermic effects within the tissues.

Ice / Heat
Used to help with swelling/inflammation and stiffness respectively.